Swimming Pool Chemical Troubleshooting & Supplies
  • WhiteHouse, NJ • (908) 534-2534
  • Morris Plains, NJ • (973) 267-0964
  • East Brunswick, NJ • (732) 254-5115
  • Quakertown, PA • (215) 538-2922

Swimming Pool Chemical Troubleshooting

Sometimes even the most experienced pool managers run into problems that require treatments. Here are a number of the most common problems and recommended actions.

  • Cloudy Water

    Make sure the filter is operating properly and the correct amount of filter media has been used. Adjust the pH, if necessary, to 7.2-7.8 and Shock treat the water. If the condition does not improve try adding a Clarifier or filter aid. Continue filtering and maintain the required lever of chlorine. If your pool water is "old" and has a high level of dissolved solids calcium, stabilizer, chlorides and other salts you may need to drain a portion of the water and refill with fresh water. Your dealer or serviceman can test this for you and advise the correct action.

  • Algae

    There are many types of algae that can infect pool water. The most common types, floating or clinging green algae, respond quickly to a Shock treatment and dose of maximum strength Algaecide. Be sure to adjust the pH, if necessary, to7.2-7.8 before shocking and brush all pool surfaces to expose algae hiding in cracks or wrinkles. Apply the algaecide the next day. Pink algae and mustard algae requires extra care because they both tend to re-infect pool water very easily. Treat pink algae in the same manner as already outlined but, in addition, sanitize all pool parts that come in contact with the water, such as the vacuum hose and head, by immersing them in the pool during the shock treatment. Treat mustard algae with a special algaecide designed to combat the stain. Clinging black algae that tends to appear as dots or nodules can be treated by applying a slow dissolving granular algaecide directly on the algae and by brushing the algae vigorously to expose its roots. In all cases apply the Algaecide directly into the pool as close to the algae as possible.

  • Color Water

    Reddish or brownish colored water is usually caused by oxidized iron or manganese. Treat the pool water with Stain & Scale Remover to coat the minerals and prevent the oxidation process. Greenish or Bluish colored water is usually caused by oxidized copper. Treat the condition as above and consult with you dealer or serviceman for more details. Be sure not to confuse green, slimy water that indicates an algae infection with the greenish cast associated with copper

  • Stains and Scale

    Stains can develop when colored water is left unattended or when metals such as coins are accidentally left in the pool. Scale is a crusty build up on pool floors and walls caused by excessive calcium levels and high pH. Usually both conditions must occur for scale to form. Both stains and scale can be controlled by lowering the pH, if necessary, by using Stain and Scale Remover according to label directions. Severe conditions, especially in plastered pools, may require an "acid wash", a drain and cleaning performed by you dealer or serviceman.

  • Chlorine: Too High or Too Low

    Inability to hold a chlorine reading usually indicates lack of Stabilizer in the water. Have your water tested for Stabilizer and add if necessary. Also be sure to check your floater or chlorinator to insure a supply of chlorine. Low readings could signal an excessive chlorine demand that is not being met. In this case, a Shock treatment would be appropriate. Finally your testing chemicals reagent may be old and need to be replenished. Check with your dealer or serviceman for accurate water testing. A high chlorine reading that won't dissipate gradually may indicate too much chlorine is being added to the water. Check your floater or chlorinator and make the necessary adjustments. On occasion chlorinator and make the necessary adjustment. On the occasion chloramines chlorine reacted with swimmer waste can develop and cause chlorine reading to remain high. In this case, a Shock treatment corrects the condition by breaking up the chloramines.

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  • Whitehouse, NJ

    Whitehouse, NJ

    (908) 534-2534


  • Morris Plains, NJ

    Morris Plains, NJ

    (973) 267-0964


  • East Brunswick, NJ

    East Brunswick, NJ

    (732) 254-5115


  • Quakertown, PA

    Quakertown, PA

    (215) 538-2922


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