Above Ground Swimming Pool Closing & Winterization
  • WhiteHouse, NJ • (908) 534-2534
  • Morris Plains, NJ • (973) 267-0964
  • East Brunswick, NJ • (732) 254-5115
  • Quakertown, PA • (215) 538-2922

Above Ground Swimming Pool Closing & Winterization

Above Ground Pool Closing

  • Closing is Mostly a Reversal of the Opening Process

    Your objective is to remove water from places where it can freeze: pump housing, filter body, heater, and water lines connecting all your equipment.

    WHOA! BEFORE YOU SET ABOUT CLOSING YOUR POOL, YOU MAY NOT HAVE TO! If you live in an area where the temperature rarely drops below 40 or 50 degrees Fahrenheit, you may not need to close your pool. Which means you won't have to open it either. That's good news!

    But what if it freezes at night? Won't I break my pipes and pump and stuff? Answer: on a freezing night where temperatures drop five or ten degrees below 32 degrees, KEEP THE PUMP RUNNING. Moving water doesn't freeze as quickly as still. Besides, the pool water itself is probably ten or more degrees above freezing. So you will be circulating warmer water on those freezing nights. Take your pool dealer's advice. Don't wait till the day of the impending temperature drop to act.

    • Use the section on OPENING as a reference.
    • Clean your filter before you close up.
    • Blow out and fit plugs into the return lines. Remove sight glass and pressure gauge from backwash valve.
    • Add antifreeze as an added precaution if you're unsure if all the water is out of the lines.
    • Remove strainer and skimmer baskets.
    • Remove drain plugs from pump and filter. Be sure you find them all.
    • Add winterizing chemicals and circulate the pool water for at least an hour.
    • Some dealers suggest lowering water level below skimmer. Others suggest keeping it in the middle of the skimmer. Ask your dealer.
    • Drain your heater - if you have one - and disconnect and remove the pressure switch. Disconnect the Chlorinator.
    • Store all the loose fittings, sight glass and pressure gauge in either the skimmer or strainer basket.
    • Put the strainer basket back into the pump housing with the lid on. Keep the skimmer basket in a safe and familiar place.
    • Remove rails and ladders.
    • Turn pump off.
  • Above-Ground Pool Closing

    • Repair any leaks.
    • Adjust PH to the 7.2 to 7.6 range.
    • Remove leaves and other debris from pool with Leaf Eater, leaf rake and leaf net.
    • Brush wall and floor of pool.
    • Vacuum all dirt from bottom of pool.
    • Add winterizing chemicals as per manufacturer's instructions. Note: Do not winterize with chlorine - may cause damage to pool cover and pool.
    • Disconnect filter hoses from skimmer and inlet fitting. Be sure skimmer is kept free from water accumulation.
    • Install skimmer cover, also known as a block-off plate.
    • Drain and clean pool filter. Store indoors during winter.
    • Put O-ring grease on all connectors.
    • Inflate pool pillow (ice compensator stabilizer) and position in center of pool. Secure with rope, leaving some slack. Pool pillow should be approximately 2/3 filled with air. You should be able to push your hand in at least 6".
    • Any sharp or protruding edges around the pool should be covered and padded to protect the pool cover.
    • Install winterized pool cover in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
    • When securing the cover with cable, cord, or other mounting devices, make sure these are positioned over the top of the thru-the-wall skimmer and not under the skimmer.
    • Keep an accumulation of 1" to 2" of water around perimeter of cover to prevent the cover from flapping during high winds. If ice forms on cover, do not tamper with it. Use a cover pump to keep large amounts of water from accumulating on cover.
    • Do not leave the directional part of the skimmer return protruding from the pool, such as the eyeball fitting or return nozzle on Aquamaster skimmers.
Above-Ground Pool Closing

Winterize Your Polyclear Pool

  1. Adjust pH, if necessary, to 7.2 – 7.8 and vacuum thoroughly
  2. Add Polyclear Maxipolish at the rate of 1-2 pints per 10,000 gallons of water by pouring the product slowly in front of the return line. Continue to circulate and wait 15 minutes.
  3. Add Polyshork at the rate of one gallon per 10,000 gallons of water by pouring the product slowly in front of the return line. Continue to circulate and wait 15 minutes.
  4. Add Polycide 50 at the rate of 1 ½ ounces per 10,000 gallons of water by pouring the product slowly in front of the return line.
  5. Circulate for two hours to assure complete distribution of all products. Continue winterizing procedures.Winterize Your Polyclear Pooleasy-drain-color-flyer-no-prices-728-2-FIXWinterize Your Polyclear Pool

(This is a Basic Guideline. Your pool may require different procedures. Please consult a pool expert for specific questions / details. Pelican will not be held responsible for your pool opening or closing and is released of any liability)

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Worth The Trip from ANYWHERE!

All Stores Individually Owned and Operated. Not All Merchandise/Sales at All Locations. Please contact your local Pelican for Details

  • Whitehouse, NJ

    Whitehouse, NJ

    (908) 534-2534


  • Morris Plains, NJ

    Morris Plains, NJ

    (973) 267-0964


  • East Brunswick, NJ

    East Brunswick, NJ

    (732) 254-5115


  • Quakertown, PA

    Quakertown, PA

    (215) 538-2922


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