Hot Tub FAQs | Pelican Hot Tub Shops
  • WhiteHouse, NJ • (908) 534-2534
  • Morris Plains, NJ • (973) 267-0964
  • East Brunswick, NJ • (732) 254-5115
  • Quakertown, PA • (215) 538-2922

Hot Tub Ownership FAQs

Adding a hot tub to a deck or backyard is the perfect way many families increase the enjoyment of staying home. More and more families consider their backyard as another room for family fun, togetherness and entertaining with a hot tub as the focal point. The fitness-minded install a home spa for the health benefits of relaxation and stress-relief.

Here are some questions commonly asked when shopping for spas. It might be a good idea to print this page and bring it with you when you shop.

  • Coast Spas Salt Water Purification

    Q. What is the difference between a Spa, Hot Tub, Jacuzzi and Whirlpool?


    Basically, the word "spa" is used to describe any one of a number of jetted, heated, water-filled tubs. Most "spas" are made out of either fiberglass or acrylic. Acrylic spas are, by far, the better of the two types and will provide longer life and service to their owners.

    "Hot tubs" are made of wood, sometimes with a liner set inside. They can provide you with that "jet action", but without the contoured seating acrylic spas offer.

    A "whirlpool", the way the word is commonly used, refers to any spa or hot tub's circular "water action". Remember, a "Jacuzzi" is not a generic name for spas. Jacuzzi is a company that makes "whirlpool baths" and spas. Any spa or hot tub will provide you with this "whirlpool action" of the water.

    We like to refer to all of the above units as Hot Tub Spas. This is kind of a catch-all phrase.

  • Coast Spas Salt Water Purification

    Q. How heavy are spas? Will my existing flooring support one?


    Most people think of spas the way they do waterbeds - that the water is so heavy that the unit will literally fall through the floor. This notion is far from the truth. Unless you decide to purchase a large spa, most units on the market will not cause your floor to fall in. The fact is, a spa or a waterbed actually exerts less stress per square foot on a floor than your refrigerator or even a 55 gallon fish tank! Because the weight is spread out over a large surface area, most modern construction will support the average spa with no trouble. If you are in doubt, it is best to consult with a structural engineer before installing your spa. VIEW THE PELICAN

  • Coast Spas Salt Water Purification

    Q. How are spas heated and are they costly to run?


    There are basically two ways commonly used to heat a spa: electricity or gas (natural or propane). Most portable models are heated by electricity. They can be equipped with various heaters ranging in kilowatt power (usually from 1.5KW to 5.5KW).

    Obviously, the higher the power of your heater, the faster your spa will heat up from a cold temperature. Any size heater will be able to maintain the normal desired heat range (usually between 101 and 105 degrees). All spa heaters are thermostatically controlled, so there is little danger of boiling yourself! When shopping for a spa you should look for a spa with a two phase heater this will dramatically reduce the energy cost for your spa.

    It is impossible to give the exact figures concerning monthly operating costs. Your monthly energy bill will be solely dependent on how often you use your spa and at what temperature. (The average portable unit, usually costs approximately one dollar per running day.) All we can tell you honestly is that we have never had a customer complain about the operating costs of their unit once they started using and enjoying the relaxing benefits that it provides for them

  • Coast Spas Salt Water Purification

    Q. How should I shop for my spa?


    Buying a spa is a decision you shouldn't feel rushed or pressured into, so be sure to ask the dealer a lot of questions. Like shopping for anything else, knowledge is everything.

    Here is a checklist of things to consider and questions to ask. Feel free to print it and take it with you when you comparison shop!

    Learn about the spa's specific features, ease of use and maintenance.

    • What horse power does the unit carry ( is there enough HP to support the amount of jets)
    • When the spa is not in use, does the water always remain hot and clean?
    • Is there an air blower included ( air blowers tend to cool down the water and cost more to run while not really increasing the hydro massage)
    • How many message jets are included ? (Are they counting air jets as total jets )
    • Do the jets and jet systems allow you to customize your hydro massage experience?
    • How loud are the jets and pump?
    • Does the spa offer a balanced filtration system to ensure clean, clear water?
    • Are the filters easily accessible?
    • Is the heating and filtration system fully automatic?
    • Inquire about the heater-typically the most vulnerable component of any spa. Make sure corrosion will not occur.
    • Are the controls user-friendly, easy to operate and adjust?
    • Are there optional features to make spa ownership easier ( Ozonator, brominator , auto sweep )?
    • What are the electrical specifications of the spa?
    • How is the seating configured? Are you able to move about easily?
    • Learn how the spa was constructed and its energy efficiency.
    • The components should be fully tested and backed by the manufacturer's warranty.
    • Make sure the spa is totally insulated.
    • Do the jets protrude into your back?
    • Look for small details that show good workmanship and attention to detail
    • Do the handles and knobs look strong and durable
    • Is there a drain in the bottom of the spa so that the spa can be fully drained?
    • Is the motor mounted to the wood base of the spa (better manufactures will use a rubber mount to reduce noise.
    • Do the hoses have lots of elbows ( elbows can restrict the water pressure)
    • What spa parts are covered under warranty and for how long? Make sure the heater, surface/structure, components are included.
    • How does the manufacturer's warranty compare with other brands? Make sure there are no undesirable limitations or exclusions. Obtain information on the manufacturer and the dealer to ensure you will receive quality service both during and after your spa purchase.
    • How long has the manufacturer been in business?
    • How long has the dealer been in business? Inquire about their service policy.
    • Is the spa UL LISTED?
    • How does the Mfg's warrantee compare with other brands ? Make sure there are no undesirable limitations exclusions or pro-rating.
  • Coast Spas Salt Water Purification

    Q. What should I look for in the company I decide to get my spa from?


    Buying a spa is a decision you shouldn't feel rushed or pressured into, so be sure to ask the dealer a lot of questions. Like shopping for anything else, knowledge is everything.

    Here is a checklist of things to consider and questions to ask. Feel free to print it and take it with you when you comparison shop!

    Learn about the spa's specific features, ease of use and maintenance.

    • What horse power does the unit carry ( is there enough HP to support the amount of jets)
    • When the spa is not in use, does the water always remain hot and clean?
    • Is there an air blower included ( air blowers tend to cool down the water and cost more to run while not really increasing the hydro massage)
    • How many message jets are included ? (Are they counting air jets as total jets )
    • Do the jets and jet systems allow you to customize your hydro massage experience?
    • How loud are the jets and pump?
    • Does the spa offer a balanced filtration system to ensure clean, clear water?
    • Are the filters easily accessible?
    • Is the heating and filtration system fully automatic?
    • Inquire about the heater-typically the most vulnerable component of any spa. Make sure corrosion will not occur.
    • Are the controls user-friendly, easy to operate and adjust?
    • Are there optional features to make spa ownership easier ( Ozonator, brominator , auto sweep )?
    • What are the electrical specifications of the spa?
    • How is the seating configured? Are you able to move about easily?
    • Learn how the spa was constructed and its energy efficiency.
    • The components should be fully tested and backed by the manufacturer's warranty.
    • Make sure the spa is totally insulated.
    • Do the jets protrude into your back?
    • Look for small details that show good workmanship and attention to detail
    • Do the handles and knobs look strong and durable
    • Is there a drain in the bottom of the spa so that the spa can be fully drained?
    • Is the motor mounted to the wood base of the spa (better manufactures will use a rubber mount to reduce noise.
    • Do the hoses have lots of elbows ( elbows can restrict the water pressure)
    • What spa parts are covered under warranty and for how long? Make sure the heater, surface/structure, components are included. How does the manufacturer's warranty compare with other brands? Make sure there are no undesirable limitations or exclusions.
    • Obtain information on the manufacturer and the dealer to ensure you will receive quality service both during and after your spa purchase.
    • How long has the manufacturer been in business?
    • How long has the dealer been in business? Inquire about their service policy.
    • Is the spa UL LISTED?
    • How does the Mfg's warrantee compare with other brands ? Make sure there are no undesirable limitations exclusions or pro-rating.

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    Whitehouse, NJ

    (908) 534-2534


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    Morris Plains, NJ

    (973) 267-0964


  • East Brunswick, NJ

    East Brunswick, NJ

    (732) 254-5115


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    Quakertown, PA

    (215) 538-2922


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